Annual Conference
The Society has one main meeting annually which is held jointly with the Association Médicale Franco-Britannique.
These meetings take place towards the end of September and alternate between France and the UK.
The annual conference is always held in an area of cultural and gastronomic interest. This allows for a full and fun social programme to complement our scientific programme which usually features local speakers from the area of interest.
Our next meeting will be in Orléans, France from 18th – 21st September 2024.
The booking form is now available – see button above.
(Image – Wikipedia Commons, Original – Gilbert Bochenek)
Conference Programme
If you would like to present at conference, please get in touch to submit a proposal.
We are keen to support presentations by junior doctors and medical students.
We are graciously supported by the James Tudor Foundation in offering a prize to the best student presentation at our annual conference. Entries are open to medical students from the British Isles and France. Students who are invited to present are offered support with travel and accommodation.
Our 37th Annual Conference was held in Strasbourg, France and hosted by our sister organisation AMFB. Check out the Gallery pages for Strasbourg.
Winter Meetings
We hold our annual winter meeting each year in Chamonix.
The dates for 2024 are pending.
This picturesque location offers a packed and interesting scientific programme just a few minutes from the ski slopes. This is a popular meeting among members and is always a highlight of the winter season. Check out our Meetings page for further info and information on how to book a place.